Scottsdale Trip, Blogging, and My New Project

First, I want to tell you that I love Otto’s post Humanity Captured. Ha ha… Seriously, I have written several posts on what I have learned at Otto’s workshop. It was through that workshop I’ve built my foundation of photographing and what a strong foundation it is. Thank you, Otto.


We were in Scottsdale for several days. Living in Minnesota for almost 40 years, we have never run away from the cold weather until this winter. I am afraid this has nothing to do with the weather, but something to do with our age. Maybe Florida or Texas next year since now I have good blogger friends there (you know who you are 😉

Scottsdale’s scenery is very different. My first thought was that I could only capture the beauty of the land via a panoramic view. These were taken with iPone6.



superstition mountains(1)s

superstition mountains(2)s

But later, I did see other possibilities.



Blogging is fun. I enjoy sharing my stories, thoughts with all of you and I also enjoy reading yours. But, when it became like an addiction, I was concerned. For a while, I would rather write or read blogs than doing anything else. It was quite clear that I need to do a better job in balancing my time. I should focus on life, not on blogging alone. (Yes, I am cutting down my blogging time. Still, I will happily blog whenever I can.)

My New Project

“Look! You are Beautiful!” is my new project. (If you have read my posts on Passion and Purpose part 1 and part 2, you would understand what this project means to me.) My idea is to take photos of those who are currently having difficulty in their lives (for whatever reason), and give their photos to them. It’s my hope that they would be able to see how beautiful they are no matter what is happening to them at this moment.

To be honest, I have no idea how this going to work. I left a message to a lady who is giving away free meals once a week. I am hoping she will let me go and take some photos. I would like to convince her that people need food not only for their bodies, but also for their souls. Wish me luck. (Thanks! 😉

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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50 Responses to Scottsdale Trip, Blogging, and My New Project

  1. Mabel Kwong says:

    Beautiful panorama photos. You certainly captured the beauty of nature there. Lovely cloud cover too. Blogging can certainly be addictive. If I had my way, I’d spend the whole day at home checking out other blogs, reading and commenting, and writing blog posts too. But before we can sit down and write and start a conversation, we have to stand up and live. It’s one reason why I limit my blogging time each day. I hope you find a balance 🙂

    That project of yours sounds very interesting. We are all indeed beautiful in our own way. Good luck in making people smile and realise that they are loved.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Helen C says:

      Ha. I thought that word, Para…, looked a little strange, but I decided not to argue with my computer. Thanks! 😉
      Balancing life is not easy. I have struggled for a while. I finally started limiting my blogging time, but then I felt a little guilty because I didn’t have time to make a lot of comments. I am still working on it. Thank you, Mabel.
      I am excited about my project, but it is out of my comfort zone. I just have to keep telling myself “I can do it!” 😉
      Good night.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mabel Kwong says:

        I don’t think there is such thing as perfect balance in life. If so, then we won’t ever feel stressed and worry about not having enough time to do things. Blogging is more time consuming than people think. Not only do we write out posts, but edit them too and the photos as well. Reading and commenting on blogs is another thing altogether.

        Have a good week ahead, Helen 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Sue says:

    What a wonderful project- you are so right- we do need food for our souls! Blessings to you as you move forward. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amy says:

    I love your beautiful panorama photos, Helen! So happy to know you have Texas on your list. Winter can be both warm and cold, we had 20 f to 30 F last week (a week before it was 60F); and Tree had to deal snow and freezing rain for days in Fort Worth and Dallas… Crazy!
    Such a heartwarming idea of take photos of those who are currently having difficulty in their lives. That can be inspiring to many people, Helen. As you can tell, I’m addicted… My small mission (or wish) is to convey the beauty of our world… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Amy. With both you and Tree living there, Texas definitely is one on my list. Ha. 30 F sounds good to us. This morning we have 36 F, and I think everyone went out to enjoy the day, many without winter coats. It went up to 46 F. We love it!!!
      I like your mission and I am sure everyone can tell you that you have done an excellent job. I enjoy seeing your photos a lot! For me, even though I enjoy seeing the beauty of the world and I am quite satisfied that I am a part of universe, I still want to somehow make a change. Wait a second… you have done that too, by being so nice to fellow bloggers. 😉 Thanks, Amy!


      • Amy says:

        I have never lived in north, always wonder how people can live through the wind, snow, icy rain… for months. 🙂
        Thank you for mentioning about being nice to fellow bloggers. Whenever I think of the work behind the scene (photos and words) that bloggers put into, I’m often in tears. Bloggers don’t ask for anything in return, but their work give us so much joy. It really is time and effort consuming to visit, comment, and click, etc. but, I’m thinking what the world is like if we are not connected in the blogosphere. That said, I’m thankful that we are connected. 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. loisajay says:

    Helen, this about made me cry. You have the biggest heart….I know what you mean about the addiction part. My husband doesn’t ask why I am at my computer before work…and then again after work; he knows. I do love this, but also have to step away sometimes.
    Your project is wonderful. We have Meals on Wheels here and your photos will be fantastic because you will show the story behind the person. Your photos do that. A little Helen is better than no Helen at all. Next time you escape, FL is waiting! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Lois, you don’t know how much I wanted to come to FL so we could sit by water sipping wine and chatting 😉 I have never told you this… I actually have a picture of you in my head, which I have no clue where it came from. Ha.
      I like the idea of the project, but I also know there are things I have to overcome. I guess I will take a step at a time, enjoying the process and trying to do my best. Cheers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • loisajay says:

        Let me know whenever you are able to come down here, Helen. I do hope you share your photos (not pushing you, though) because those on Otto’s website were stunning. XO

        Liked by 1 person

        • Helen C says:

          Thanks, Lois. I definitely will share my photos if I get any 😉 I was thinking of you when I was working on this idea in my head… I wish I were as brave as you are. 😉


  5. Cee Neuner says:

    What a marvelous idea. I really like it and can just picture you taking all these photos and just having fun and helping others all at the same time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Cee. My heart is pounding now… Monday is coming and I should go out and talk to people about this project… I hope it’s not too difficult. Ha.


  6. shoreacres says:

    I saw your photos at Otto’s, and they are wonderful. You captured the individuality of each person so nicely.

    Just so you know, I am in Texas, just south of Houston, and yesterday was strawberry picking time. We are congenial people, and have mostly good winter weather, although it can be icy and cold from time to time. But it rarely lasts long.

    Do you know the song “Bread and Roses”? It was an organizing song in the early 1900s. You can find a bit of the history about it, and a video of the song at my blog. The title I used, “Feeding Bodies, Sustaining Souls,” points to the same reality you are off to capture. I’ll look forward to your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Hello, Linda. Otto is a wonderful person. I like his attitude toward life and how he constantly inspires others. Not to mention he is also a great photographer. Getting to know him is a bless!
      My daughter went to Berkeley for her graduate study, so in a small way, we are connected… 😉
      OMG, what an interesting article you have written. I had an idea on what I wanted to do and maybe my first step on how to accomplish it… and your article has clearly provided many details for me! I am so thankful! I bookmarked your page and will definitely go back to read it again and again.
      At this moment, I am thinking of just doing it (without starting a non-profit org… etc.). I hope it will work.
      Thank you so much!!!


  7. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Helen, I love your new project! Helping someone will be a gift for him/her and a gift for you. I’m happy you are in a warm place, the cactus are great for photos. Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Elizabeth. I am back to MN now, but the weather is getting better. This morning we have 36 F!!! It’s so nice! Spring is coming, now I am sure. How is your shoulder? I haven’t heard you talk about it recently. Hope you are fully recovered and everything goes well.


  8. I know what you’re saying about the blogging, obsession, other things in life, etc. It gets to be like a job and that’s not something I want to have again. I want to have fun. So, backing off, when it gets like that, is a good thing. Fine line – obsession/passion. I don’t know. I’m not expert. Anyway, your project sounds amazing. Kind of like you. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Gemma. I am so glad that you understood what I was talking about (it seems like you always do… at least you always have a way to make me feel better ;-). I have struggled for this for a while. There are several projects I wanted to do and I kept postponing it. Hopefully by limiting my blogging time, I will be able to finish other projects (like to make a photo-book for my daughter for this Christmas.) So many fun things to do…

      Liked by 1 person

  9. treerabold says:

    Your photos are absolutely beautiful. You have become quite the talented photographer.
    I can’t wait to hear you are on your way to Texas next winter! 🙂

    Your next project sounds great. I can’t wait to see your photos. I am sure you will find a way to walk through your discomfort and create some memorable moments and pictures for deserving people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Tree. You inspire me, remember? 😉 And I mean it!
      This morning, I spent some time practicing photographing… trying to learn some basic things. The truth is that I have many bad photos from the trip. The composition is good (I think); the scene is good (I think); but many suffer with that same old noise problem. I determine to change that and learning is so fun! Thanks, Tree.


  10. I do wish you good fortune on your new endeavor. Life is a balance, but more importantly, it’s at its best when we find our passion or passions.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sue Slaght says:

    Gorgeous panoramas and i agree it is finding the balance between blogging and experiencing life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Sue. You guys are amazing! Biking, hiking, blogging… how do you find time to do all and do them so well? (Maybe… it’s an age thing?) I appreciate your blog a lot because you take me to places that I probably would only be able to go in my dream. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sue Slaght says:

        Helen you are very kind and I appreciate these words a great deal. My blog is not all live time trips. For instance today’;s post is from several years ago. We do like to keep very active and we do travel a fair amount as well as weekend adventures. I always say there will be time to sit inthe rocking chair when we can’t move. till then off we go and take those with us who might prefer the comfort of their home or are unable to travel or adventure for whatever reason. It is a privilege to share the stories.

        Liked by 2 people

  12. Adhika says:

    No wonder I havent see you posted for a while! Haha. Looks like it was a nice get away from the MN cold. You should visit California!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Adhika. It was a nice break indeed, and now we are enjoying 40 to 50 degree weather!!! I do visit California once in a while. My brother lives in Irvine and my daughter Oakland. Next time I visit LA, I would pay you for a one day lesson!!! (You have to promise to make me as a good photographer as you are… ok, maybe 1/2 as good is good enough.)


  13. Lignum Draco says:

    Sounds like a worthwhile project, which should be mutually beneficial, so good lick with it.

    I agree with you on blogging. I’ve made the deliberate effort to post less, which started with my 3 month break earlier this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Lignum. I thought your 3 month break was work-related 😉 There are several options to try, I think, : limit my blogging time for each day, post less, take 3 months break… etc. I have to figure out what works for me, I guess. Thanks. (Late reply due to a nasty stomach flu. Yike.)


  14. joannesisco says:

    I think your project is a beautiful one … it has the potential to make both your heart and someone else’s a bit happier 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So much to love in this post, Helen. Your photos with the iPhone are beautiful, the panoramas AND that gorgeous cactus closeup. As for finding your blogging balance, I too am struggling with that. Your new (and such heartfelt) project is one that will give you time with your camera, embracing life, and helping others in return. That is wonderful beyond words!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks Stacy. I started limiting my blogging time now (before, I would check whole day ;-)and so far it seemed working. I do enjoy many blogs and want to continue reading them. Hopefully I will have something (first step) to report soon for my new project. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Good Woman says:

    This is my first visit to your blog after clicking from a comment you made on another blog. So much of what you said in your Scottsdale post really struck me. I am a Wisconsin native living in northern New Mexico. We still get winter here but not the harsh Wisconsin type of winter which I know is comparable to Minnesota. The photos of Scottsdale take me to a place I know I have been. Beautiful. I am a new blogger and I definitely get the addiction part. I too need to find a balance. And your idea of taking pictures of people and giving them the photo is beautiful and benevolent. I will enjoy following your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I always wanted to visit New Mexico. One friend told me it was beautiful there! Just visited your blog – I like it a lot. I am looking forward to reading more.


  17. Brilliant idea about the project Helen. This is so thoughtful and kind of you. I just wish you all the success in your effort to spread smiles and happiness in this world. Hope with your skills at photography, you will be able to do this. All the best dear. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. restlessjo says:

    Yep, it’s ‘become’ my life too, when I’m not travelling or doing something exciting. Us obsessives! But reading down your comments, I’m in such good company. Brilliant project! I wish you well with it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thank you, Jo. I’ll write more about the project soon. One problem I have, I am sure you do too, is that I have too many subjects that I want to write about, and so little time 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: My 1000 Photos Project | HHC Blog

  20. Pingback: wpc- BLUR (and Emerson quote) | priorhouse blog

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