Street Photographing – Aug, 2014

I begin to realize that if two people walking on the same street taking street photos, they may end up with two totally different set of photos. For me, people’s feelings, emotions and their stories attract me the most.

I saw a big man and his little dog at the new outlet mall. What a cute pair, I thought to myself. I asked the guy if I could take a picture of them, He nodded sheepishly.

Man and his dog

Man and his dog

As soon as I walked into the Caribou Coffee shop, I noticed these two girls. They focused on each other only. I watched them for a while. Clearly, they were in their own world. It’s nice to have a good friend to talk to, I thought.

Two girls at coffee shop

Two girls at coffee shop

At Mall of America, I spotted a family sitting together, eating ice cream. There was no interaction among them, but I sensed a strong bond. I don’t need ice cream; I just want to have my parents and my sister Karin back.

Family eating ice cream

Family eating ice cream

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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22 Responses to Street Photographing – Aug, 2014

  1. Beautiful composition, and natural too. I am curious, do you ask permission before snapping all of your subjects? Or just the first one?

    If not, do they ever get mad?


    • Helen C says:

      Good morning, Well… sometime I ask for permission and sometime I don’t. I didn’t ask for permission for the other photos. I found out that quite often people’s expression changed (looked embarrassed or smile bigger or…) after they knew I was going to take a photo of them even though they didn’t mind. Personally I like Mike’s ( approach. He always spent time with people before shooting. But as a shy woman who has concern about safety, I have a lot to work on (and I am working on it). But whenever I asked, people were very nice. No one got mad so far 😉 Helen

      Liked by 1 person

  2. benrowef64 says:

    Helen I think you are right, we all see and interact with the world differently.


  3. Cee Neuner says:

    We all see things differently and that is partly what I adore about photography. It is so very individual and artistic. These are wonderful candid photos. 🙂


  4. Amy says:

    I really like these street photos, Helen. The first one made me smile, the second one is so very lovely. Thank you for sharing you sentiment through your lens, the last one…


  5. pambrittain says:

    Love the grin on that guy’s face. Helen, you have a wonderful sense and way of catching emotions.


  6. These are wonderful photos.. each one tells a story.. That’s the beauty of street photography..Those little slices of humanity!!


    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Lynne. You know I want to take good photos like you, right? I still have a long way to go, but before I reach my goal, I would take time enjoying learning. 😉 Helen


  7. Sue says:

    I really liked all of these photos but I think I like the middle one the best. It’s sort of Norman Rockwell-esque.


    • Helen C says:

      OMG, you are right! There were something familiar that attracted me so much to these girls, but I didn’t know what. You have answered my question. I really mean it! Thanks. Helen


  8. Ed says:

    Great shots, its true you can get many different perspectives of the same subjects, everyones eyes see things differently..:-))
    p.s. Sue hit the nail on the head about Norman Rockwell….


    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Ed. It would be nice if I can expand my horizon so I would be able to get more perspectives 😉
      By the way, I am using Nikon D7000 too. (I am still learning.) Helen


  9. Trudi says:

    I can’t imagine anyone saying no to you. Your kindness is genuine.


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