Tita (NaBloPoMo Day 8)

I went to get a haircut yesterday. It was definitely a couple of months overdue. My hair grows fast. Normally, a haircut would look good on me for two weeks. But past experience had assured me that no one would comment on my hair no matter how ugly it is, so I only see my hairdresser when I’m absolutely bored.

Wait… no one would comment on my hair, except my hairdresser Tita, that is. Yesterday morning, she greeted me with an exaggerated shocking look.

“What the heck did you do with your hair?” she said.

“Nothing. This is how you cut it last time. Remember?”

She rolled her eyes. “Why didn’t you come sooner?”

“Well…” Good question, I thought. Should I say I was busy? Should I tell the truth that I don’t like to “waste” my time and money? After a short pause, I finally said, “I didn’t realize I needed a haircut.” Lying is one way to make a long story short.

She turned the chair and looked me into my eyes. “Don’t you want to look good? Women should always look good!” She was quite serious.

“At this age, Tita? I don’t want to look good; I want to look wise,” I said.

She hit me lightly with a comb. “Do me a favor, would you? Don’t tell anyone I cut your hair.”

“I suppose I can do that,” I said, and that was the end of our before-cutting conversation.

I have seen Tita for several years now. In spite of her earnest and well-meaning advices, I’m still not convinced that spending time and money to look good for two weeks is a smart investment. Her friendship, however, has become more and more valuable to me. In fact, I am somewhat addicted to her nagging… the kind of nagging that I used to get from my mother.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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20 Responses to Tita (NaBloPoMo Day 8)

  1. Anabel Marsh says:

    My hairdresser is outspoken too. Once when I hadn’t been for a long time he said I looked like a burst cushion! I like it, it’s better than the bland conversations about where you’re going that night (usually nowhere, I just need a haircut).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The friendship developed certainly I think is worth it 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thank you, Mike. Yes, friendship is important. The older I get, the harder to make friends… I don’t know why. That’s why I treasure every one of them.
      Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You know, never thought about that before… so true, and is good reason to treasure the ones we have. Because we truly meet maybe four to five strong ones our whole life. I think as we grow older we get the more settled and comfortable being our own best friend. The world has turned so selfish and uncaring to others for some.its too bad. We are glad we’ve met you through sharing thoughts. Writings really give a picture into someone. I’ve always communicated with most people best when writing. Might because of Asperger and lack of so called social skills but simply not into going out, a night relaxing at home than going out suits me fine. I like that. Thanks! Take care back at you!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Helen C says:

          >> I think as we grow older we get the more settled and comfortable being our own best friend.
          How true! I never thought of that, but now that you said it, I really agree. 😉
          I, too, communicate better in writing. I usually would handle all my conflicts in writing, but when it is something about my child, I am braver than usual. 😉 Toastmaster helped me too. I still don’t care a lot about social — I think it’s introvert thing.
          Have a great evening.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. loisajay says:

    My hairdresser is the same way! He looks at my hair (pulled up in a messy bun) and says, “That is not a style.” I go about every 10 weeks. I am so with you on the money, but he has been cutting my hair for 15 years so we do have fun conversations.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Lois. “This is not a style.” — that makes me laugh. Every 10 weeks is pretty good if I compare it with my record. Recently, I decided to make a change on when to get haircut. From now on, I will get haircut right before taking a trip (It was a little embarrassed on a couple of trips. Ha.)
      Have a great afternoon.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lady Oscar says:

    I got my hair cut in Taiwan in February. Then, I usually did not bother until I go home again a year later… however, all in sudden I could not deal with my super long hair (all the way to my waist) last month, and I found a Taiwanese hairdresser (finally) and got my hair cut.
    When she saw my long hair, she joked that “thank god it was not the lunar July…” haha!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Helen C says:

      Interesting! I don’t know why some of us are this way. One of my colleges went to hair salon once a week and she seemed enjoying of going. I couldn’t understand.
      I had long hair for many years. I like it because I didn’t have to get haircut if I didn’t want to. 😉
      Have a wonderful day.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lady Oscar says:

        It is a funny feeling sitting at hair salon to me. I feel that I should do something more meaningful than sitting there…
        I guess we are not “typical” ladies. — most ladies love going there. haha!

        Have a nice weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Amy says:

    A fun story, Helen. 🙂 I go to my hairdresser every 3, 4 weeks. She is kind of biz oriented, so we don’t chat much. I play with my photos, texting, read my emails while she does my hair. Every once a while she asks to see my photos. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Rupali says:

    “… I don’t want to look good; I want to look wise,” I love this. In every party, when I see men in comfortable outfits and ladies struggling with either shoes or with short dresses. I think, why looking good is more important than being comfortable :D.

    Liked by 1 person

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