Brenda’s A Photo Study: High-Angle Photography

Continue on Brenda’s A Photo Study. Today I am working on High-Angle Photography.

First, I want to let you know that I am going to take a 3-4 week break from blogging. If this week’s Lens-Artists challenge is not too difficult, I may be able to participate before the break. 😉 Anyway, happy photographing, or writing, my friends.

Brenda wrote: “High-angle photography is created when the photographer is situated above her subject(s)–upper floors of a buildings, at the top of stairs, up on a ladder, holding the camera above the head–and the camera is focused downwards. It is often used for the group shot as it is the best way to include everyone in an image and brings about a dynamic element not found in an eye-level image.”

I guess “a dynamic element “ is the key thing. To be honest, most of the times, I shoot high-angle because I was up high. I re-read Brenda’s post a week or two ago, and picked a few photos, but I wasn’t satisfied. It took me a while to realize that the dynamic element I was looking for was missing from a couple of photos that I previously selected. 😉

(Alaska Cruise)

(Baltic Cruise)

(SF Chinatown)

(Duluth, Minnesota)

(Roseville Shopping Mall, Minnesota)

I have read that every time you press the shutter release button, you should have a purpose in your mind. At the time I read it, I wasn’t 100% sure what he meant. Can “having fun” count as a purpose? How about “I wonder how this looks”?

I think my shooting purpose will be different from now on (after this study). I think 😉

Thanks, Brenda.

Thank you for visiting my blog. And Happy Valentine’s Day!

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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21 Responses to Brenda’s A Photo Study: High-Angle Photography

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    I love the shot of the piano!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great captures Helen!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. carol1945 says:

    I really love these photos. The piano one is fantastic. Were you up on the second floor?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. loisajay says:

    The piano is my favorite photo, too. Oh dear–if ‘having fun’ or ‘I wonder how this looks?’ are not a purpose, I am in big trouble! 😀 I do love your photos, Helen. Keep having fun, please!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Marie says:

    Have a wonderful break, Helen. We need them from time to time. Hope you are doing something relaxing and fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Rupali says:

    I love your shots.
    I was amazed by the variety and amount of vegetables in shops in Chinatown in SF 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. brenda says:

    Oh to travel…sigh… I love the piano image…the geometric designs of the piano and reflections are compositional elements that would have been lost at a different angle. I will open my eyes to this visual opportunity in the future. In the second to last image I see how the people on the beach form a triangle, beginning with the rock at the water’s edge. Hope you have an amazing time away from the blogging world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Brenda. Your comment always helps me to see more in photos. I appreciate it a lot. I think I am going to start asking myself, “What do you think Brenda may see?” when taking photos! 😉
      Have a wonderful day. I will continue your photo study when I get back 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Super shots Helen … love the reflections. And the depth in the first shot is fab 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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