Odd Ball and Sharpness

I haven’t participated Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge for a while, but it is in my mind all the time. Here is my submission…

I spy…

Any question?

Also, I would like to re-post my photos for XDrive Sharpness lesson, particularly for those who have followed the comments between Raj and me. Thank you everyone for your patience. Thank you, Raj.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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13 Responses to Odd Ball and Sharpness

  1. Raj says:

    Thanks Helen for the quick revision to previous post. Pic 1, that’s exactly what I imagined.. Pic 2 even the old composition also great, third pic ..also looks much better in my opinion.. Great job once again. Thanks for the participation on XDrive Sessions..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Learn Photography – 5 – Sharpness – XDrive

  3. Amy says:

    Thank you, Helen for sharing the revision version. So well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cee Neuner says:

    I’ve been reading your conversation with Raj. He is such a good teacher. 😀 Thanks Helen for playing. Your cheap red wine photo is priceless. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. neihtn2012 says:

    I had to laugh at the cheap red wine photo! Are they real? Just out of curiosity, where do you find them?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Photography Learning – Review – August – XDrive

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