Developing Your Eye Day Ten

It’s the last day of the course ;-(

I want to thank The Daily Post Blogging University for offering these great courses; I want to thank all my wonderful readers for visiting my blog and leaving encouraging words. Now that courses are over, I am taking a week off for a short family gathering. I think I will be able to read your blog, but posting one will be difficult. Wish all of you have a happy week.

Developing Your Eye I, Day Ten: “Architecture” – Go Monochrome




I took the photo of that white church on a rainy day. It rained hard; we had to wait inside of a hotel for rain to die down. Usually, I wouldn’t bother to take photos in that situation, but I was attracted by that church.

Developing Your Eye II, Day Ten: “Triumph” – Turn Up the Contrast

“What does triumph mean to you?” – we were asked.

At this stage of my life, triumph means I have accomplished something, no matter how small the thing is. For example: when I woke up from a good night sleep, when I managed to park my car perfectly, when I took a picture I really like… Life is good when you are able to appreciate small things.

I like this following photo a lot. I am not even sure I can explain why. All I know is that every time I see it, I have a hard time to click it away.


I learned something interesting about contrast. For a long time, I relied on “contrast” tool to help me do the job and I was ok with the result. While working on my assignments this week, I found out that, sometime, no matter how hard I tried it just couldn’t deliver the result I really wanted. I learned to use “Dodge/Burn” to achieve the effect I was looking for. Closer to what I was looking for, I mean. 😉

Thanks for visiting my blog.

About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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18 Responses to Developing Your Eye Day Ten

  1. loisajay says:

    The ‘Triumph’ photo is beautiful, Helen, but what is it? And what is ‘dodge and burn’? Whatever you did to this photo–you did it well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Lois. I didn’t do much to the “Triumph” photo, only increase the contrast a little bit because the course instruction says so 😉 I don’t think it makes a lot of difference between this one and the original one.
      “Dodge and burn” maybe is Photoshop term. Dodge would lighten, and burn would darken. Sometime, I only want to darken a small part of my photo, then I would use this tool. For example, the white church, I “burned” the roof top (a small triangle) so the detail of the roof would show up more. Another example, sometime I would put on an eye liner for a person in the photo even though I never wear it myself in the real life. 😉
      Have a wonderful evening.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Helen, enjoyed your set of monochromes. I’ve always felt that architecture benefits (mostly) from conversion to black and white. Then we can truly see the architect’s intent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Sally. I agree with your statement about architecture photos, but I do find that there is a skill required to do a decent conversion work. I am not at a point that I feel confidence with what I do, but, at least, I know how to appreciate other’s photos… when they were done right (and that makes me happy 😉


  3. Prior-2001 says:

    Helen – I liked each photo and how nice that you waited out the rain – it was worth it for such an interesting bundling –
    I also am curious about the “eyeliner” you mentioned to L – a learned a new term today –
    Anyhow – I know you are on a break – but if you need an idea to kick start your next post focus – maybe you can do the after- before with visual venturing’s one photo focus – not sure if you have ever done it (I just started this year) but stacey sends the photo out during the final week of the month –
    Ok – have a great week and catch back up later Amiga!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Yvette. I have done One Photo Focus a couple of times, was thinking to go back to do more, but I haven’t 😉 I love seeing how people do their editing. There are many different ways and many look great.
      I think it’s easier to edit our own photo, don’t you think so?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Prior-2001 says:

        Hi H – yes – I agree it is easier to edit our own (big time) – but I sometimes like the challenge of doing the selected one – and I like how Stacey is cool and really invites creativity – if she was snooty- I would not even bother with that challenge – funny how the host/hostess makes a difference….
        And side note – there is a photo to be edited this week and deadline is 8/3 (just in case) xxoo


  4. restlessjo says:

    Looks like it’s been interesting. Enjoy your break, Helen. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your photos particularly the last one. It is very striking. Sounds like you enjoyed the course I’d love to do one too but sadly at the moment I have no time to do so. Perhaps in the future….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Marje. You are a busy lady! I am amazed at all the book review you’ve done. It would take me much longer to finish a book.
      There are a lot of fun things around. I think balancing our time is important. As far as I can tell, you are doing well, my friend. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Helen. Yes the book reviewing is time consuming! I might have to give it up when I’m published myself! But for now I like to share my book recommendations with my followers. It’s good now that I have an A – Z list, pleased I took the time to do that! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Very interesting architecture all around…

    The POV makes it even more special 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen C says:

      Thanks, Sreejith. You don’t post as often as before, right? (I hope I didn’t miss any…)
      It’s not hard to find interesting architectures when we visit some place new 😉 Everyone’s POV is different, which makes photographing quite enjoyable.
      Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are right, Helen, I am not been able to spend enough quality time here in this community recently.

        I had a real tough time, both personally and professionally…

        Now, it looks like, things are back on track 🙂

        I really missed this wonderful community and feels great to be back 🙂

        Thank you so much for your kind words and have a nice weekend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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