WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture — Please click the link to see other posts.

I had been looking for “texture” the whole day, but couldn’t find a good one. My daughter was cooking Risotto tonight. Guess what I found while I was washing kale for her?



About Helen C

A retired computer programmer who loves writing and photographing, and has managed to publish a YA novel "Jin-Ling’s Two Left".
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16 Responses to WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

  1. Amy says:

    Great choice, Helen!!


  2. Cee Neuner says:

    Now that is texture. I bet you had a great dinner. Great macro!! 🙂


  3. carol1945 says:

    Helen, this is a fantastic entry for texture. One of the best. I One thing I noticed, for myself, is that I pay much more attention to a blog when there is just ONE PHOTO. There are so many great blogs out there, and I started following various ones, but my brain cannot take in more than one photo at a time. (Unless it is like jingsandthings blog, who writes interesting comments about the photos and they form a narrative that is riveting)


    • Helen C says:

      Carol, most of the time, I post one photo only because I have to save photos for other challenges (since I don’t have many photos like others). Ha ha… Also, someone had told me that I should always pick the best. And I think the-best means one. 😉 The third reason to post one photo only: I am a beginner; I don’t want to bore everyone to death.

      When I visited a blog that has many photos, I usually give a little time to each photo. I think you can tell a person’s style if there are more than one photo.

      Everyone is different. Do what you feel comfortable. Have I told you that being able to do things my way and not apologizing is one good thing that I have found about aging. 😉 Have a great day.


  4. carol1945 says:

    See an error in my reply, but do not see any way to edit replies.


  5. pambrittain says:

    This is an excellent shot. I’m jealous.


    • Helen C says:

      Hello, Pam. Thanks. I am very sure you can do this too. I was using my iPhone and there was no setup needed, just get to the right distance and shoot 😉 I took several from different angles so I could pick one. That’s all. I wish it was more clever than this 😉


  6. Lignum Draco says:

    Nicely seen. Did you get worrisome looks from your daughter? 🙂


  7. Stunning interpretation of texture!


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